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Heat  Sealing  Equipment  for  Mil-Spec &  Industrial  Bag  Packaging  Applications

Heat Seal, Bag Closing & Printing Equipment

Click below on your Type of Sealer, Material , or Industry. In the picture below, you can also click on a bag like yours for recommended sealing options

(Tip: Press [Control-F] on your keyboard to search this page for specific keywords!)

Type of Sealer Material Typical Industries
Continuous Band All Heat Sealable Materials (including gusseted bags)
Tabletop, Portable, & Military-Spec
Jaw Sealer / Industrial Impulse Sealer
Hot Air Sealer
Medical & Hospital
Pinch Bag Closers
Rotary Sealer
Fold & Glue Sealers
visual divider
Various Bags that BaggingGuys can Seal!