Markem Touch-Dry Ink Coder for Bags
Prints clear, legible, permanent ink text in seal area on almost all bag surfaces!
Markem Touch-dry ink dries instantly to prevent smudging.
Photo-eye triggers clutch mechanism to print one image per package. Timer setting
allows user control position of imprint location relative to the leading edge of the bag or pouch.
Designed for integration (new factory or field installation) into Doboy continuous band bag
sealers - B-450, B-450M, B-500, B-500M, B-550, B-550M, CBS-D, and CBS-DM.
Click thumbnail for larger photo:

Std Black on Clear Poly

Std Black on Laminate

Black on Clear Poly

Black on Tyvek

White on Black Poly

White on Red Laminate
- Single or Double Type Stop (Single = 13 character, Double = 26 Character)
- Uses Touch-Dry Ink System - Not messy! Ink is solid material on a small roller/spool
- Dries Instantly to eliminate smudging and smearing
- Supplied Standard for 1/8" High Characters with Black Ink
- Photo-eye with User Programmable Time to position text on bag surface
- For Field Installation on B-450, B-450M, B-500, B-500M, B-550, B-550M, CBS-D, & CBS-DM!
- For Factory Installation on Doboy B-550, B-550M, CBS-D, and CBS-DM bag sealers!
- Spare Parts Kits
- 0.125" to 0.235" (12-24 pt) Characters Available
- Light / Dark Blues, Red, Gray, White, Yellow, Brown, and Green Inks Available
- Custom Font Characters (Hour Glass, Clock, "Best By", "Sell By", etc.)
- Extra Type Wheels for Quick-change Messages
- Don't need to print with Ink? Check out the
Doboy Emboss Coder
Message Length
1 to 26 Characters Wide
Message Height
One or Two Rows
Character Height
1/8" Standard
This printing system is ideal for integration with Doboy band sealers!
For use with Doboy B-500,
B-550M, CBS-D, and
Click the model numbers above for more information!